Termite Report

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This walk-through will cover writing a California Termite Report.

For an in depth walk-through on how to write a termite report with TermiteKiosk, click on the help icon Contexthelp.png located at the top right for a video tutorial.

At any time you can save your progress by clicking on Save located next to the top center where the report number is written.

Front Page

  1. When you make a new Termite Report, first input the information for the property inspected and escrow number.
  2. The inspecting company information should already be filled out by default.
  You can edit any category that has a Edit.png icon to the top left.
  1. Indicate the date of inspection by clicking on the calendar icon to the right. Click on any date to set it, and use the arrow keys on the top to change the month.
  2. The Lead Source field is optional, but it may be useful for marketing purposes.
  3. Input the information for the following categories: Ordered by, Property Owner, Report Sent to, Party of Interest. You can make filling these categories out a lot quicker by importing your own contacts into contacts. To use your preloaded contacts to quickly fill out the report, click on the Phonebook.png icon on the top right of every section.
  4. Indicate the type of report.
  5. Next, set the General Description of the Property by clicking on any of the codes on the left column. You can also use the live search bar by typing keywords or the code name to find a specific code. Upon selection, the text will appear on the right column. You can also edit the existing code and save it by clicking Save as new code.
  6. Finish the front page of the report by selecting the Inspection tags and who inspected the property. Click Next to proceed.


Here you can draw a diagram or upload a diagram from your computer.

  1. Click on Upload Diagram and click on the +.png icon.
  2. Click Select File and choose from your computer.
  3. Click on the magnifying icons to adjust the diagram to the white bounding box and crop it.
  4. You can always add more diagrams by clicking on the plus icon and delete them with the X icon.

Drawing Tools:

  • Use the rectangle tool, line tool, and many others to generate your diagram.
  • Pencil tool allows you to draw freely, eraser tool erases.
  • Click and drag the line tool to create a line from where you last clicked. You may choose to select a dotted line or an arrow line, or both.
  • Click and drag using the rectangle tool, the circle tool works in the same way.
  • For all the drawing tools, you may choose to vary the width of the strokes by clicking on any of the black circles on the bottom.
  • With the text tool, first input text in the text box, then choose the size and type of font. To put the text on the diagram, click anywhere to place the text directly, or you can click, hold, and drag to reposition.
  • Check italic, bold, or both to apply the text style.
  • The arrows are the undo and redo functions respectively. Click undo to go back a step, redo to go forward.
  • To erase everything currently on the drawing board, click “Clear.”
  • You can change the background and the stroke colors. Bring up swatches by clicking on the background and stroke icons.

Findings and Recommendations

The Findings and Recommendations part of the report consists of a Header, F&R, and Tail sections.

  1. Select Headers from the existing codes by clicking on the drop down arrow to reveal the list.
  2. Next, define the findings and recommendations for the findings you had indicated on the diagram. Click on +.png Add Findings / Notes.
  3. By clicking on any of the codes on the left column, the text will appear on the right column. You can also use the live search bar by typing keywords or the code name to find a specific code. You can also edit the existing code and save it by clicking Save as new code.
  You can change the organization of Findings & Recommendations by clicking on Options (located in the top navigation panel), and under General and F&R Codebook,
  select from Combined F&R or Modular F&R. Combined F&R groups both findings and recs together into one code, and Modular F&R separates the two.
  1. Select the F&R Tail from the selection box. The section will be filled automatically.
  2. The first Emergency Contacts category is by county, select your county in the drop down menu. Once you choose one, the system will remember the selection, and future termite reports will have your selected county already listed, unless you check the box to Never auto-select county emergency numbers.
  3. Your custom Emergency Contacts can be preloaded from your Contacts.

Progress Thus Far

After you complete the inspection portion of your termite report, you can either:

  1. Create an invoice for inspection
  2. Print / E-mail the report
  3. Or proceed to the completion of the report by clicking Next.


  Note: When indicating numerical prices, DO NOT put a dollar sign ($) in front of the value. For example, instead of $30.00, 30.00 is the correct way.
  • A contract proposal page typically contains an itemized list of findings with price quotes for performing treatment services for those findings. If had already entered the price quotes on F&R page, the system has fetched the numbers for you. If not, you can click on the Edit.png button to enter your quotes.
  • Alternatively, you can also click on the tab Freehand Entry to make your own layout on top of the default.
  • Agreement paragraph will precede the itemized quote section in the printed form of this contract / proposal page. You may customize this section by clicking on the Edit.png icon. You may also add your custom paragraphs in Codebook >> Contract Paragraph.
  • Finally, the footer is the signature line, and you may also edit the categories and text by clicking on the Edit.png icon.

Follow-up Reminder

When you finish the Contract section of the report, you have the option to add a Follow-up Reminder.

  1. First, click Add Follow-up Reminder in the center. Alternatively, you can also click on the button Add reminder... on the navigation located on the right.
  2. Change the contact person to tie with the reminder as you see fit by clicking on the drop down arrow (The categories are "Ordered by, Report Sent to, Property Owner, and Party of Interest"). Upon selection, the information below will change depending on the corresponding persons in the termite report. Click on the down arrow icon to see more details of the contact.
  3. Change the follow-up date and time information, and you can also add notes.
  4. When complete, click Confirm.JPG. The reminder will be added to your calendar, which you can view by clicking on Calendar on the top navigation panel.

Crew Sheet

The crew sheet is a summary sheet containing information about the inspected property. Normally, the crew sheet is handed to the person who will be visiting the property to perform treatment.
Input the Appointment Date & Time, and Additional Notes if needed.

Notice of Completion

  1. Document the pesticides used during treatment. When you start typing the pesticide name, check to see if it matches one in the default database. Click Add to confirm the pesticide and amount used. You can add your own custom pesticide codes by clicking the Edit.png icon or from the Codebook >> Pesticide / Chemical Codes. You can add new pesticides by clicking Newentry.JPG, then inputting the code information.
  2. Next, the following is information copied from the inspection. Review them, and make changes as needed.
  3. Recommendations - Select the recommendations which were completed. Click on a prefix to select the finding tags. Click again if you want to deselect. You may select more than one entry.
  4. Additional Notes - Enter additional notes here. You can also make a custom code in the Codebook under Notice of Completion / Clearance Codes, either by clicking the Edit.png or going to the Codebook.
  5. Cost of work completed - This section is auto generated based on the amounts inputted in the Inspection section. Review and make changes if needed.
  6. Certification / Additional Remarks - Click on one of the circles to make a selection for the Certification. Add additional notes if needed.
  7. Inspected By - This section is taken from the information provided on the Front page. Review and make changes if needed.
  8. You may also add another Notice of Completion by clicking on +.pngAdd another Notice of Completion.

Final Invoice

When you complete the termite report, you can click Create Final Invoice to generate an invoice for the treatment. Review the invoice - you can Print Invoice or Post Invoice.
Printing the Invoice opens a new tab, from there you can click the print icon on the top right corner (for Google Chrome browsers).
You can view posted invoices in Management in the top navigation panel, open up Accounting Panel and you can see a list of all the Accounts and Posted Payments.

Adding Photos

Adding photographs to termite reports is not required, but can be helpful. Photos you upload will be attached to the end of the inspector report.

  1. Click on Attach Photos located in the top navigation next to the report number.
  2. Click on Upload photos, and from your computer select however many image files you need to add to the report.
  3. The thumbnails of the images will appear, you can then choose to link the image to your Findings Code and/or add a short description by clicking on the +.png icons.
  4. Choose how you want to line up the photos when you print the report (1 photo per page, 2 per page, etc). Note that the more photos per page, the smaller the photos will print.


After every stage of the Termite Report, you are given an option to Print/E-mail the report. You can also click the Print/E-mail option in the navigation on the top right (Under Attach Photos).

  1. When you click on Print/E-mail, check all the aspects you want printed/e-mailed, or Select All.
  2. Depending on what action you want to do, click Print(PDF) or E-mail.
  3. When you click on Print, a PDF will appear in a separate tab (it might take a while). To print, click on the printer icon located in the upper right corner.
  4. When you click on E-mail, the E-mail Report appears. You can edit the subject line and write a custom message in the text box. Check the boxes on the right to designate recipients. When finished, hit Send.

Save Report as a PDF file

Due to the nature of the e-mail function (automatically generated, large volume), the e-mail may be put into the spam box or sometimes fail to send. This is entirely dependent on the policy of the e-mail server associated with the recipient's domain.
To have 100% control over your e-mails , click Print to generate a PDF in a new tab, right-click on the document and click Save as to save to your computer. Then you can send the report out from your own e-mail as a file attachment.